What Is Angular Cheilitis?

Angular Cheilitis can be a nasty, uncomfortable condition, particularly if you are young, or in-firmed  The condition causes inflammation at the corners of the mouth – usually on both sides, although in some cases just in one corner – and this can, in turn, lead to deep cracks or fissures which will become very painful if left untreated. In severe cases bleeding can occur and shallow ulcers may form along with a nasty, unsightly crust.

Who’s At Risk?

The condition itself is usually caused by a fungal  infection, but other contributing factors include bacterial infection and recent studies have even shown that it can also sometimes be attributed to nutritional deficiencies brought about by poor diet or malnutrition. Obviously, with such a wide range of contributing factors, the condition can prove difficult to get rid of and, if not treated effectively, it can actually lead to further complications.

Surprisingly, people who suffer from bulimia or other weight related disorders, particularly people who tend to vomit a lot are also particularly at risk of developing Angular Cheilitis. Elderly people tend to develop it as they lose their teeth and the mouth overhangs causing folds to appear at the corners. These folds of skin  become susceptible to fungal infections of this kind.
Careful, using dentures can be a common cause!
Even wearing dentures can cause the condition to develop. In fact, recent studies have indicated that wearing false teeth is a particularly common reason for people developing the condition. It is believed that Angular Cheilitis develops in these cases because the upper jaw muscles  are not supported correctly by dentures and this leads, in turn, to a  moisture accumulating at the corners of the mouth. As I discussed earlier, bacteria and fungal infections love these warm, dark, moist places so its not long before they take up home!
Environmental factors also play a part in the development of the condition with mild cases being caused by things such as cold weather. Many of us have, at some time or other, probably suffered from chapped lips. If you are one of those unlucky people, then you might be shocked to discover that you have actually been suffering from Cheilitis, not just from a simple case of chapped skin. That explains why, when you lick your lips to keep them moist, it actually makes them feel worse. The reason is that you are actually spreading the fungal infection that cases the problem. Bet you didn’t know that, as they say!

How Do You Treat It?

As I mentioned above, treatment really depends on what caused the condition in the first place. Simple cases can be cured by applying anti-fungal creams or a gentle topical antibiotic but, if you prefer to use natural remedies, then there are several very effective ones that give great results. Some of these even bring relief overnight – if that sounds interesting then click on the link below to:
If you are anemic then you should take iron supplements. Not only will this help your overall condition but it will also help to prevent AC, because yet another contributory factor in this condition is iron deficiency. See, I said it would be difficult to pin down the exact reason!
When you are outdoors, remember to stay warm and dry, and avoid exposure to the elements. Not only is this sensible advice to keep you free from viral infections and colds, but it also prevents Angular Cheilitis. If you spend a lot of time outdoors consider using a barrier cream such as petroleum jelly applied around your lips. This will prevent cracking and keep them moist without allowing them to become wet and infected. Also, don’t allow saliva to dry around the corners of your mouth because this can lead to infection.

Its Not All Bad News

Although the condition can be irritating and look horrible, its not actually all that serious; probably not any more so than a fungal infection in your toenails or jock itch. There are also a number of very effective cures but, one slight drawback is that some of them can be expensive and a lot of the commercial ones use fairly yeuchy chemicals and creams which taste awful and can lead, in some cases, to further complications.
Of course, like most things, it makes sense to consult your doctor before doing anything . Chances are, though, they will simply recommend an anti-fungal or anti-bacterial cream, but, as we have said, this doesn’t suit everybody. Apart from anything else, these creams can take weeks to work and, in some cases may have no effect whatsoever. That’s why its a great idea, to try and find out more about curing the condition naturally, using drug-free products that work quickly and efficiently. If you would like to know more about how to do this, then just click the link below:
